Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Types of Learning Disabilities Essay - 1484 Words

Types of Learning Disabilities There are many types of learning disabilities that can hinder a child’s scholastic performance. These include: dyscalculia; dysgraphia; dysphasia; auditory, memory, and processing disability; and dyslexia. Dyslexia is when a person has difficulty translating language to thought or thought to language. This person would have problems with expressive and/or receptive oral and written language; you would see trouble with reading, spelling, writing, speaking, listening, and mathematics. If someone was trouble with arithmetic or solving problems, you might suspect they have dyscalculia. A person with this disability has much difficulty solving basic math problems. A writing disorder called†¦show more content†¦The teacher can help the student in a number of ways. The teacher should try to capitalize on the student’s strengths; it is important to stay positive and use positive reinforcement. Since the student has difficulty with understanding language, it is very pivotal to keep sentences short and with simple vocabulary. The classroom should be place a student can grow and learn, so giving the LD student many options of gaining information is key; some teachers let their LD students use tape recorders for note-taking and test-taking to help them in gaining information. Many classrooms come with computers to aide students with LD; this is good for drill and practice and teaching word processing. Some LD students are even allowed to use the computer on tests. Also, during test taking, just giving extra time to complete a test or exam gives an LD student to perform better. The biggest thing a teacher can do for a student with a learning disability is to be patient (National). Multi-sensory Approach Students learn in all different ways. Some are better visual learners while others are better auditory learners. A mix of all types of learners can be in one classroom at a time, so the teacher needs to learn to satisfy all students learning needs. For the visual learner the teacher should use many visual aides. Using the overhead or videos and films can help. When doing tasks that areShow MoreRelatedLearning Disabilities Are The Most Predominant Type Of Disability962 Words   |  4 Pagesstudents with disabilities continues to rise, there is still evidence that shows learning disabilities are the most predominant type of disability. â€Å"Slightly fewer than half of all students with disabilities have specific learning disabilities.† (Turnbull, 2013, pg. 106) Because learning disabilities continue to be the predominate disability, it is important that teachers understand the characteristics of learning disabilities and how to accommodate for this specific group of students. 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